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What my students think about me

I never thought that yoga would be such an enrichment for me! Funda's motto: "You can do anything if you want to!" absolutely convinced me and I am happy that my physical and mental strength and flexibility are constantly growing with yoga. Funda challenges and supports optimally! You hear and you forget, you see and you remember, you do and you understand."

Angela B.

Yoga training with Funda not only showed me how to get to know my body in a new way, but above all helped me get my panic attacks under control. It gives me so many good things and helps me find peace!


With just yoga once a week, all of my annoying complaints such as neck tension, headaches and tinnitus disappeared in no time!

Patricia Z.

I have been practicing yoga for 2 years. However, it was only through the yoga classes at Funda that I reached my limits and really got to know my body! ✨✨ I always look forward to the new challenges   

Ramona Steinlin

Yoga with Funda is such an enrichment! She builds her lesson step by step so that in the end the impossible becomes possible. With her I have been able to grow so much in my yoga practice and mastered really difficult advants exercises in terms of play!
Practicing with her is great fun! She sees my potential and lovingly respects my limits.
Growth becomes possible. I'm being given the right amount of encouragement and encouragement like I've never had the opportunity to experience before!

Tabea Ermatinger, Yogatherapist and Yogateacher

Hoi liabi Funda
My feedback on yoga with diar:
“Another yoga with diar is ma with so much positive energy glada, I feel so free! "

Anna Biundo

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